(left: Auston, Saya, Meg, Kenny, Diana, Izzy)
Hello Everybody :) So This is my first formal dance and i had the best time EVER so i thought i'd share it with you, haha!
And I have to give an 'acknowledgement' to my Mama because she sacrificed her time and money to make my yellow dream dress, thank you so much! I love you :D
The Boyz :P Izzy, Auston, and Kenny
Me and my wonderful date who was a gentlemen the whole time :)
My brother and my best friend!
Me and my best friend!
*girls just wanna have fun*
(top left: Ling, Derek, Eric A, Kiersten, Meg, Kenny, Andi, Eric J bottom left: Diana, Izzy, Saya, Auston, Amber, Josh)
This is our group! Quite large, huh?
Single Shot :) Probably my Favorite!!!